The Partnership is pleased to announce the realised project results.

The DIGI4SME project contributes to increase the digital competences of VET trainers delivering training to SMEs, in line with the DigCompEdu programme, through two results:

IO1 – The training needs detector: a tool made available to VET trainers to define their preparation in the 6 DigCompEdu elementary competences identified by the project.
IO2 – The training e-Course: an open educational resource structured in 6 training modules that deepen 6 of the 22 elementary competences identified in the 6 DigCompEdu areas.
The elementary competences, and their respective modules, are:
M1: Professional engagement: Professional collaboration
M2: Digital resources: Creating and modifying
M3: Digital resources: Managing, protecting, sharing
M4: Teaching and learning: Collaborative learning
M5: Teaching and learning: Self-regulated learning
M6: Assessment: Assessment strategies

The Training Needs Detector and the Training e-course are available online at:
To access, you need to register by providing a name and e-mail address, this way you will be able to monitor your progress.

To help the less experienced users, two video tutorials are available to guide them step by step.