The Digi4SME Multiplier Event was held in Romania by Ludor Engineering on February 25th, 2023 at Tehnopolis Science & Technology Park from Iasi, Romania. The main objectives of the event were to raise awareness of the project and to spread and transfer to stakeholders the Intellectual Outputs IO1 and IO2 for their further exploitation and sustainability and in order to reinforce a local network of organisations for possible future collaborations.
The event was attended by 25 representatives of local target groups (VET education providers, training agencies, SMEs, trade associations, public authorities, NGOs, universities and other professionals).
The agenda included an overview on the Digi4SME project and its Intellectual Outputs, session with a local expert in SMEs /training, the promotion of the Erasmus+ programme and discussions on the importance of Digital Competences for a SMEs and on personal development. In addition, the participants attended an interactive training workshop on how to apply the project products and methodologies and provided feedback on the project’s results.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program Cooperation for innovation & the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for adult education. All the publications and communications reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in Project number: 2020-1-IT01-KA226-VET–009004 CUP: G37H20002310006