CWEP has organised a Multiplier Event from Digi4SME project on 28th of March in Rzeszów. The event was attended by 34 local and regional stakeholders and started with a brief description of the project and the Erasmus+ programme. Project partners were also presented before the event moved to the main part.
In the main part, both Intellectual Outputs were presented to the participants of the event. The Training needs detector and Training e-course were described in terms of their role in upskilling VET trainers in digital competences providing training to SMEs. The on-screen presentation was then followed by a live demo session in which both tools were presented. This session was interactive, as people from the audience shared their feedback and asked questions during the presentation. All attendees received leaflets promoting Digi4SME project and were very positive in using both tools in their future work.
The Multiplier Event was closed by a feedback session and it confirmed that both Intellectual Outputs were well received by the audience. A short networking session allowed the participants to exchange their experiences and contacts. Overall, the Multiplier Event was highly evaluated by all the participants.